Sunday 9 December 2012

"An assertive reaction to bullshit"

I have no patience for people who publish these carefully constructed posts which painstakingly outline an inkling to a thought that they're trying to present as so original, something you couldn't have possibly thought of before. This sounds very mean and snobby, because who am I to scorn the attempts of people trying to be different? We've heard from countless sources in our lives (if we're lucky enough, that is) about how wonderful being creative and original are and these are definitely things I think we should strive to be. I go on and on about how much I love innovation and positive progress, and what do they even mean when people are too afraid to go beyond boundaries?

What I'm more specifically trying to condemn, I suppose, are those who have deep phobias of being the slightest bit 'unoriginal'. This, surely, is what gave rise to hipster, indie, alternative or whatever cultures that avoid 'mainstream' trends and activities at all costs. What are you really trying to achieve by automatic opposition of what is 'popular'?

Again, I don't think I'm quite getting to my point... what's the use of being so intensely fearful that something you think or say has possibly been thought or said before? I find it fascinating that two people from different eras, locations, cultures and circumstances can be linked by nothing whatsoever but their thoughts alone. It's somewhat comforting, these recurring ideas that bind us humannnssszzz. Do I sink into and hide behind ironic speak out of fear? Most likely.

At the very least, as long as you don't allow this attitude to degenerate into a need for validation, it's a more optimistic way to face that disheartenment when your perceived way of 'paving the way forward' has already been established before - marvel at the commonality and at the same time, question it. Find out what's different about yours. What's better of the lot. Swallow your pride and use it. Keep moving.

1 comment:

  1. it's way too crippling when you're afraid of being unoriginal.. i wouldnt be able to write a thing. and besides, there'd be no point in writing a purely original thought or feeling that has never occurred to anyone else - who's going t understand what you're talking about?

    'It's not where you take things from, it's where you take things to.'
